Thank you! This Fundraiser has ENDED!
We'd like to first sincerely thank every single member who helped contribute in our Summer '16 Fundraiser. Whether you win a Giveaway or not, it is through the principle of your support that we will continue to move mountains in the name of SURGE revival.
Using this link to the drawing, you will be able to verify your participation by entering your email address (as entered into our website, which is CASE SENSITIVE).
1 - Rob Duve | 51 - Matt Smithkey | 101 - Nicole Nusberger | 151 - Lonnie Johnson |
2 - Donta Faulkner | 52 - Shawn Myers | 102 - Yumar Hernandez | 152 - Robert Hellin |
3 - Amanda Burczyk | 53 - Tyler Fields | 103 - Matt Larsen | 153 - Brendan Williams |
4 - Brenden Rivera | 54 - Brett Mclaine | 104 - Justin Dent | 154 - Chris Beckman |
5 - wayne parent | 55 - Ellen Dueland | 105 - Michael Miller | 155 - Kyle Morrill |
6 - Jonathan Grady | 56 - Dan Haney | 106 - Benjamin Sandoval | 156 - Brett Siples |
7 - Alec Moran | 57 - Patrick Blanchette | 107 - Jonathon Higgins | 157 - Sean Walker |
8 - Michael Chambers | 58 - Timothy Johnson | 108 - joey chemis | 158 - Mathew Donovan |
9 - Juan Campos | 59 - Kevin Martz | 109 - Jeff Smith | 159 - Michael Uphold |
10 - Alexander Damstra | 60 - Jeremy Garcia | 110 - Kyle McCoy | 160 - John Espiau |
11 - Jason McDaniel | 61 - Hunter Hawes | 111 - flint Krupinski | 161 - Steven Frith |
12 - Anthony Williams | 62 - Frank Martin | 112 - Lumpy Kirkpatrick | 162 - Ben Gleockler |
13 - Brandon Liker | 63 - Ross Kucera | 113 - Adam Gulley | 163 - Dewey Noordmans |
14 - james folk | 64 - Michael Stocker | 114 - Wendell Sanders | 164 - Derek Kramer |
15 - Leila Molle | 65 - Michael Spray | 115 - James Anderson | 165 - Rory Szymanel |
16 - Christopher Burns Jr | 66 - Alex Clark | 116 - Michael Nitz | 166 - Matt Miller |
17 - David Ashmon | 67 - Heather Henshaw | 117 - Joshua Skoglund | 167 - Nicole Kukla |
18 - Russell Patelski | 68 - Grant Smoker | 118 - Steven Larned | 168 - Kimball Sprague |
19 - Jager Felice | 69 - Ryan Slandzicki | 119 - Jaron Johnson | 169 - Luke Blanchard |
20 - Zack Zimmerman | 70 - Andy Dreon | 120 - Anthony Hermann | 170 - Jonathon Higgins |
21 - Matthew Edens | 71 - Patrick Hooper | 121 - Joshua St. John | 171 - Brenden McBrier |
22 - Jeremy Spiller | 72 - Michael Mackey | 122 - John Owens | 172 - Robert Armitage |
23 - Aron Velde | 73 - Rob Nobile | 123 - Coy Landry | 173 - Brett Dayley |
24 - Gary Kramlich | 74 - William Moore | 124 - Nick Connelly | 174 - Justin Caldwell |
25 - Kelly Murphy | 75 - Skylar Gravel | 125 - Aleks Coepland | 175 - Forrest Hicks |
26 - Nathan Valentine | 76 - Jacquelyn DeJesus | 126 - Thomas Vasquez | 176 - Jason Smith |
27 - Dustin Smith | 77 - Adam Wilhelm | 127 - Robbie Savageau II | 177 - Scott Cornwell |
28 - matthew stewart | 78 - Timothy Kuder | 128 - Sam James | 178 - Josh Easton |
29 - Matthew Mullins | 79 - Aubrey Stewart | 129 - Dominic Sharp | 179 - Kierstin Olson |
30 - Michael King | 80 - Paul Gumke | 130 - Charles Crandall | 180 - Turner Washington |
31 - william Burnette | 81 - Mike Christiansen | 131 - David Arroyo | 181 - Seth Gandy |
32 - Lance Kilkelly | 82 - Edward Fuller | 132 - Brian Borchelt | 182 - Cody Wedig |
33 - Jay Willard | 83 - Jordan Hurguy | 133 - Chris Scott | 183 - Jason Byrx |
34 - Corey Hanes | 84 - Kyle Stevens | 134 - Joshua Webb | 184 - Zachery Rasch |
35 - james fultz | 85 - Richard Porter | 135 - Taylor Moline | 185 - Andrew Marvan |
36 - Justin Gross | 86 - Christopher Adams | 136 - Corey Schroedter | 186 - Joyce Meyer |
37 - Zachary VanLaningham | 87 - Griffin St marie | 137 - Lindsay Lindow | 187 - Corey Fox |
38 - Dan Gifford | 88 - Roy Knox | 138 - Joshua Holizna | 188 - Nick Sena |
39 - Bryan Schneiders | 89 - Bret Argabright | 139 - Andrew Padula | 189 - Twyla Bartlett |
40 - Brad Burns | 90 - Christopher Frazer | 140 - Brendan Love | 190 - Erica Lumley |
41 - Richard Baughman | 91 - Travis Fowler | 141 - Carlos Navarrete | 191 - Jim Wolfe |
42 - Mike Hairston | 92 - Zackery Gilbert | 142 - John Freimann | 192 - Robert Kaufman |
43 - Andy Weiss | 93 - Joshua Peterson | 143 - Tyler Brunell | 193 - Andrew Stoak |
44 - Lucas Brady | 94 - Gerald Lusk | 144 - Peter combs | 194 - Ryan MulQueeny |
45 - Noah Friend | 95 - Joshua Lee | 145 - Eric Tyler | 195 - Jennifer McCullough |
46 - colby lamb | 96 - Travis Benham | 146 - Raymond Palermo | 196 - Amanda Woodworth |
47 - Derek Miller | 97 - Bryce Thompson | 147 - Bruce Pfeiffer | 197 - Jordan Szuberla |
48 - Mark Derichs | 98 - Houston Redmond | 148 - Chase Bitz | 198 - Corey Buchan |
49 - Thomas Chamberlin | 99 - Alyssa Miles | 149 - Michael Morris | 199 - Joseph Eggert |
50 - Mark Renner | 100 - adam giroux | 150 - Steven Naimon | 200 - Clayton Thomas |
1 - Rob Duve | 101 - Nicole Nusberger |
2 - Donta Faulkner | 102 - Yumar Hernandez |
3 - Amanda Burczyk | 103 - Matt Larsen |
4 - Brenden Rivera | 104 - Justin Dent |
5 - wayne parent | 105 - Michael Miller |
6 - Jonathan Grady | 106 - Benjamin Sandoval |
7 - Alec Moran | 107 - Jonathon Higgins |
8 - Michael Chambers | 108 - joey chemis |
9 - Juan Campos | 109 - Jeff Smith |
10 - Alexander Damstra | 110 - Kyle McCoy |
11 - Jason McDaniel | 111 - flint Krupinski |
12 - Anthony Williams | 112 - Lumpy Kirkpatrick |
13 - Brandon Liker | 113 - Adam Gulley |
14 - james folk | 114 - Wendell Sanders |
15 - Leila Molle | 115 - James Anderson |
16 - Christopher Burns Jr | 116 - Michael Nitz |
17 - David Ashmon | 117 - Joshua Skoglund |
18 - Russell Patelski | 118 - Steven Larned |
19 - Jager Felice | 119 - Jaron Johnson |
20 - Zack Zimmerman | 120 - Anthony Hermann |
21 - Matthew Edens | 121 - Joshua St. John |
22 - Jeremy Spiller | 122 - John Owens |
23 - Aron Velde | 123 - Coy Landry |
24 - Gary Kramlich | 124 - Nick Connelly |
25 - Kelly Murphy | 125 - Aleks Coepland |
26 - Nathan Valentine | 126 - Thomas Vasquez |
27 - Dustin Smith | 127 - Robbie Savageau II |
28 - matthew stewart | 128 - Sam James |
29 - Matthew Mullins | 129 - Dominic Sharp |
30 - Michael King | 130 - Charles Crandall |
31 - william Burnette | 131 - David Arroyo |
32 - Lance Kilkelly | 132 - Brian Borchelt |
33 - Jay Willard | 133 - Chris Scott |
34 - Corey Hanes | 134 - Joshua Webb |
35 - james fultz | 135 - Taylor Moline |
36 - Justin Gross | 136 - Corey Schroedter |
37 - Zachary VanLaningham | 137 - Lindsay Lindow |
38 - Dan Gifford | 138 - Joshua Holizna |
39 - Bryan Schneiders | 139 - Andrew Padula |
40 - Brad Burns | 140 - Brendan Love |
41 - Richard Baughman | 141 - Carlos Navarrete |
42 - Mike Hairston | 142 - John Freimann |
43 - Andy Weiss | 143 - Tyler Brunell |
44 - Lucas Brady | 144 - Peter combs |
45 - Noah Friend | 145 - Eric Tyler |
46 - colby lamb | 146 - Raymond Palermo |
47 - Derek Miller | 147 - Bruce Pfeiffer |
48 - Mark Derichs | 148 - Chase Bitz |
49 - Thomas Chamberlin | 149 - Michael Morris |
50 - Mark Renner | 150 - Steven Naimon |
51 - Matt Smithkey | 151 - Lonnie Johnson |
52 - Shawn Myers | 152 - Robert Hellin |
53 - Tyler Fields | 153 - Brendan Williams |
54 - Brett Mclaine | 154 - Chris Beckman |
55 - Ellen Dueland | 155 - Kyle Morrill |
56 - Dan Haney | 156 - Brett Siples |
57 - Patrick Blanchette | 157 - Sean Walker |
58 - Timothy Johnson | 158 - Mathew Donovan |
59 - Kevin Martz | 159 - Michael Uphold |
60 - Jeremy Garcia | 160 - John Espiau |
61 - Hunter Hawes | 161 - Steven Frith |
62 - Frank Martin | 162 - Ben Gleockler |
63 - Ross Kucera | 163 - Dewey Noordmans |
64 - Michael Stocker | 164 - Derek Kramer |
65 - Michael Spray | 165 - Rory Szymanel |
66 - Alex Clark | 166 - Matt Miller |
67 - Heather Henshaw | 167 - Nicole Kukla |
68 - Grant Smoker | 168 - Kimball Sprague |
69 - Ryan Slandzicki | 169 - Luke Blanchard |
70 - Andy Dreon | 170 - Jonathon Higgins |
71 - Patrick Hooper | 171 - Brenden McBrier |
72 - Michael Mackey | 172 - Robert Armitage |
73 - Rob Nobile | 173 - Brett Dayley |
74 - William Moore | 174 - Justin Caldwell |
75 - Skylar Gravel | 175 - Forrest Hicks |
76 - Jacquelyn DeJesus | 176 - Jason Smith |
77 - Adam Wilhelm | 177 - Scott Cornwell |
78 - Timothy Kuder | 178 - Josh Easton |
79 - Aubrey Stewart | 179 - Kierstin Olson |
80 - Paul Gumke | 180 - Turner Washington |
81 - Mike Christiansen | 181 - Seth Gandy |
82 - Edward Fuller | 182 - Cody Wedig |
83 - Jordan Hurguy | 183 - Jason Byrx |
84 - Kyle Stevens | 184 - Zachery Rasch |
85 - Richard Porter | 185 - Andrew Marvan |
86 - Christopher Adams | 186 - Joyce Meyer |
87 - Griffin St marie | 187 - Corey Fox |
88 - Roy Knox | 188 - Nick Sena |
89 - Bret Argabright | 189 - Twyla Bartlett |
90 - Christopher Frazer | 190 - Erica Lumley |
91 - Travis Fowler | 191 - Jim Wolfe |
92 - Zackery Gilbert | 192 - Robert Kaufman |
93 - Joshua Peterson | 193 - Andrew Stoak |
94 - Gerald Lusk | 194 - Ryan MulQueeny |
95 - Joshua Lee | 195 - Jennifer McCullough |
96 - Travis Benham | 196 - Amanda Woodworth |
97 - Bryce Thompson | 197 - Jordan Szuberla |
98 - Houston Redmond | 198 - Corey Buchan |
99 - Alyssa Miles | 199 - Joseph Eggert |
100 - adam giroux | 200 - Clayton Thomas |
Thank you again and SURGE ON fellow SURGE Fans!
Welcome to our Summer '16 Fundraiser! The goal? It’s up to all of us to get SURGE nationwide and to keep the buzz going. SURGE is not just another piece of nostalgia; it’s here, and it’s now. How do we plan to do this? Read below.
Nearly half of our Movement's 338k SURGE fans were found as a result of Page Like advertising, but alas, the numbers have slowed for all of 2016 as our advertising budget ran short. We have a huge opportunity to get creative and spread the word of SURGE, whether it’s billboards, commercials, online advertising or other creative outlets. As a community centered on the success of SURGE, we can make anything happen if we work together. The most difficult long-term goal with SURGE will be to keep the name alive and relevant, and that stresses the key importance of growing our community numbers so we can continue to help work toward future sustainability and ultimately win the USA race for the Best Citrus Soda EVER CREATED!
It’s time to campaign for SURGE’s future and to get it back on every single store shelf where it belongs. Let’s show the doubters what this brand can do when fueled by the ones who brought it back! ALL proceeds for this fundraiser go BACK INTO the SURGE Movement!
I agree that I am contributing to solely benefit a fundraising effort for SURGE Movement, LLC and understand the Summer '16 Fundraiser is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by The Coca-Cola Company. I acknowledge that the giveaways are only being offered as a gesture of goodwill for the campaign's contributors and I will have no expectations that receiving a giveaway is guaranteed or that any giveaway must meet or exceed a certain standard of condition or quality than represented in the provided pictures or description. I recognize my contribution is nonrefundable and that it strictly adheres to the “Digital Goods, Contributions, and Donations” terms of the Return Policy.
- Fundraiser Duration
- Start: Wed, Aug 3rd, 2016 at 12:00 AM ET
- End: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2016 at 12:00 AM ET (fall equinox)*
- Selection of Giveaways
- Announcement: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2016 at 10:00 PM ET*
- Each dollar contributed in the Summer ‘16 Fundraiser under a single logged in surgemovement.org User Account will qualify that User Account holder an entry toward the Summer ‘16 Fundraiser giveaways. Multiple contributions under the same surgemovement.org User Account will be combined.
- Giveaways will be selected with a Third Party True Random Number Draw Service that will allow each entrant to verify their admission and result in a secure manner, if desired. Contributor accepts the Privacy Policy of this service as well as the Privacy Policy of surgemovement.org.
- If User Accounts are not created and logged into at the time of contribution, they will be created for you after checkout.
- There will be a maximum of one giveaway per User Account. SURGE Movement, LLC retains the right to disqualify contributors believed to have taken advantage of this ruling with instances of Multiple User Accounts.
- User Account contribution totals will be kept private, even during the selection of giveaways, e.g. it will not be disclosed if the selected Grand Giveaway User Account Holder donates the $1.00 minimum.
- Selected User Account holders for each giveaway will be announced on the SURGE Movement Facebook Page by the First & Last Name specified in their Shipping Address provided at the time of contribution. They will also be notified by email, and all giveaways will be shipped out (free of charge) by Thu, Sep 29th, 2016* (Estimate)
*In the event that the value of all expenditures have not been covered by the number of contributions or if SURGE Movement, LLC determines it will be operating at a loss, a Fundraiser Duration Extension may be decided at any date at their sole discretion.
The Official Rules of the Summer ‘16 Fundraiser may be amended, modified, or revoked at any time and for any reason.
9/4/16: Initiate Changelog
9/2/16: Fundraiser Dates Extended to Sep 22nd, 2016 (fall equinox)
8/3/16: Start