CCBCC Revival Fundraiser | SURGE Movement

CCBCC Revival Fundraiser


Thank you! This Fundraiser has ENDED!

We'd like to first sincerely thank every single member who helped contribute in our CCBCC Revival Fundraiser. Teamwork and a little effort can result in great things; we at The SURGE Movement know this all too well. Coca-Cola Consolidated has responded to our demand, and we are happy to announce a unique victory, especially thanks to all of those who helped contribute toward this initiative.

Their decision? To release the 12oz SURGE SKU in their territory for a limited time! This packaging has never been available since the original release of SURGE so NOW is our time to respond in the greatest way possible-- by proving to Coke Consolidated that this AMAZING beverage is worth more than just a Limited Release in a select number of stores! Let us take advantage of this opportunity by indulging in the glory that is our Fully Loaded Citrus Soda!

CCBCC Revival Fundraiser:

Welcome to the CCBCC Fundraiser! WHAT IS THIS, you ask? Well, Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated (CCBCC), AKA the largest independent bottler in the United States has decided to opt out of delivering SURGE to stores. Are we, collectively The SURGE Movement, supposed to just sit back and let this decision stand? Heck no! CCBCC comprises a Gigantic Chunk of The Citrus Heartland!

We still are not 100% sure why CCBCC dropped SURGE, but our sources actually don't indicate there was a slump in sales at all-- in fact, we've found it's quite the contrary. So then, what is it? There is a high probability CCBCC has decided to focus their efforts on Monster's Mutant, a new (reportedly disgusting) green energy soda. This is a fear SURGE fans have been dreading FAR BEFORE Mutant's release. The truth is that these two, can... AND WILL co-exist (if Mutant must exist), and our fans will not be silenced.

So what will this take on our parts? To begin, we need your undivided attention, followed by any pocket change you can offer to help boost our participation to the right SURGE fans. Literally whatever you can offer in this fundraiser will be spent 100% on CCBCC SURGE Revival. If you live in this territory and want to purchase SURGE in your stores, together WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN... BUT WE REQUIRE YOUR HELP!

Every SURGE call-in day is greatly effective but to do so correctly costs our Movement a minimum of $50 due to reach limitations. That's why our SURGE Movement administration is going to cover the initial $100 out of our pockets. Anything extra we are able to raise through the Movement will help tremendously and will be carefully put toward our Facebook Advertising budget. In the targeting criteria, we will focus our efforts on the consumers who need to take action: IN, OH, VA, WV, MD, DE, KY, TN, NC, & SC. If you are outside of this territory, your support is still appreciated because if (and when) we succeed, we will be campaigning for nationwide distribution.

Our pocket change is so miniature in comparison to the hundreds of thousands it will lead in CCBCC's future SURGE sales. Throughout the years, we have become extremely resourceful on the advertising front, and clearly know firsthand what can be accomplished when we work together. Likewise, we dedicate ourselves, without pay, to SURGE and will always honor your trust in us. This brand was brought back by our community and remains a community brand. It's up to us to ensure SURGE doesn't slip away.

100% of All Contributions Go Toward CCBCC SURGE Revival!

Please support this effort by Calling CCBCC & Making a SURGE Product Request M-F 8-5 PM ET @ (800) 866-COKE (2653) Press "3" for Product Availability. In addition, CCBCC can also receive customer feedback on their Facebook Page and Contact Form.

Table of CCBCC SURGE Heroes:

We need as much help as we can get. By contributing, you agree to go down in SURGE history as a Hero and forever be placed in the table below... wait, what's that? You want more? Well we MIGHT decide to give away some randomized Officially Licensed SURGE swag as well! :p

Date: SURGE Hero: Contribution:sort ascending
09/06/17 Austin Garrett's picture Austin Garrett $50.00
09/05/17 Mike Spray's picture Mike Spray $50.00
08/22/17 Joey Chemis's picture Joey Chemis $40.00
08/24/17 Lynn Johnson's picture Lynn Johnson $40.00
08/21/17 Sean Sheridan's picture Sean Sheridan $20.00
08/02/18 Kenny Harvey's picture Kenny Harvey $20.00
01/25/18 Mark Renner's picture Mark Renner $20.00
08/26/17 John Freimann's picture John Freimann $20.00
08/22/17 Evan Carr's picture Evan Carr $20.00
08/21/17 Matt Winans's picture Matt Winans $20.00
08/23/17 Gary Bott's picture Gary Bott $10.00
08/23/17 Joseph Gleason's picture Joseph Gleason $10.00
12/08/17 Michelle Lynn Gil's picture Michelle Lynn Gil $10.00
08/21/17 Aron Velde's picture Aron Velde $10.00
08/23/17 Cathy Welsh's picture Cathy Welsh $5.00
08/23/17 Frank Sapone's picture Frank Sapone $5.00
08/23/17 Kris Poole's picture Kris Poole $5.00
08/24/17 Sean Sheridan's picture Sean Sheridan $5.00
08/23/17 Joshua Penrod's picture Joshua Penrod $5.00
08/22/17 Kurt Turner's picture Kurt Turner $5.00
08/25/17 Sean Sheridan's picture Sean Sheridan $2.00
09/05/17 Mike Kalasnik's picture Mike Kalasnik $2.00
08/23/17 robert berg's picture robert berg $1.00
09/01/17 Matt Unruh's picture Matt Unruh $1.00
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Below is only a "small sample" of reports we collected on the SURGE Movement page when all of this started; all reports are between Jan-Mar '17. Feel free to zoom in and click on each marker to read the individual report:



Our goal is to not only win back SURGE Distribution in ALL of your market units, but to be able to find the product with ease. Please consider using signage / marketing for our fluorescent emerald greatness in response. We don't expect your company to make a 10 foot display while taking on several SURGE sponsored events (like Viking Coca-Cola Bottling Co. continues to do), but to simply realize that SURGE is your most profitable avenue to success in the Citrus SSD genre. Please treat it with care and the SURGE fans will do the rest!

To conclude... The SURGE Movement, will not stand idly by as our precious soda is seized from the outlets we all worked SO HARD to bring it to. There is a reason SURGE is Coca-Cola's FIRST discontinued product to be revived (since their 1886 founding!) It's because SURGE is MUCH MORE than a soda brand. It’s a Lifestyle... a Taste of Nostalgia... the Elixir of Life... the Nectar of the Gods... and an American Dream for every ‘90s kid... and, of course, in every can is an incredible citrus taste. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here 20 years after its initial release.

If you are a SURGE consumer in this territory, we ask that you SUPPORT THIS EFFORT! Please contribute what you are able and Call / Contact CCBCC NOW!

Thank you SURGE fans, and SURGE ON!

- The SURGE Movement

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Who are we?

The SURGE Movement is a fan-powered community recognized for the return of SURGE, a citrus soft drink that was resurrected in 2014 and formerly available from 1997-2003. The Movement remains an integral driving force of interminable activism, focusing on the brand’s growth, success, and sustainability. Read more »

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For an initial list of FAQ, please use our Contact Form! Feel free to also contact us via private messaging at the SURGE Movement page.

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